Thursday, October 24, 2013

Evil Experiments at the COFFIN HOP~!

Welcome to the third annual Coffin Hop!

During this dark and lovely time of year we have so many shivery tales to tell...some of the cool and crisp days, and others of the slightly evil feel of the nights.

We can feel the veil that usually protects us from the influences of the "other side" lift, and we are more easily connected to the spirits and beings that try and reach us.

I have decided to do an otherworldly experiment for each day of the hop.

Everyone knows the old trick of putting a candle in front of the mirror in a dark room and watching your reflection for changes. I did it tonight...and I wish I didn't. The room is instantly creepy just because of the flickering of the candle. I did this in my bathroom that is currently in a state of disrepair, with only the pretty white and grey marble on the sink, floor and walls. No matter how still you are, the candle flickers and changes the shadows on your face in the reflection of the mirror. Things were fine for about one minute, then my face looked older, much older, and my eyes appeared black in my peripheral vision. I quickly looked directly at my eyes and they looked normal, but now my cheeks looked sunken my mouth appeared to be wide opened.

They say what you are seeing is the state of your soul.

I don't like it.

If any of you have the nerve to do this I would love to know what happens! There will be several more EVIL EXPERIMENTS during the hop, and if you do them and have a story to tell, the two stories that scare me the most will win the following prizes:

1st prize: Original painting...glows in the dark.

Pumpkin Moon  

Second prize: Copy of the Coffin Hop anthology Death by Drive In

Now please visit the other authors of the Hop! Click on the Coffin Hop button to the right -------> and read more horribly fun posts from amazing authors.

My stories on Amazon: 

100 UNFORTUNATE DAYS~~the diary of a madwoman...or possibly someone just like you or me.

ABSORBED~~a dark tale of a gorgeous gift and murder.

My shop on ETSY:

Original artwork by me. :)

Happy Hopping!!


  1. Ooh - love this creative spin for CoffinHop! Will have to give these experiments a whirl.

    1. Thanks Kim! I'm dying to know if anything happens!!
      Come back and tell me!@!

  2. know I love your pumpkin picture, but I'm too scared to do these experiments. I'm always so afraid of inviting "something" in where its not wanted. Oh well, I'll just have to admire your painting from the internet...

    1. Come back tomorrow Beth...maybe it will be something you can do without being scared. ;)
      And thanks for coming by!!

  3. I love your first Coffin Hop post, but I'm not sure I'm going to do that candle experiment. Too creepy for me. LOL!

    1. Jolie is WAS creepy!
      Maybe I will have to make some of these experiments a bit more know...something that doesn't have the potential to call the devil ;)

  4. If I have one irrational fear, it is seeing myself in the dark in a mirror. It might be a little less terrifying with a candle, but I really doubt it. It might be worse. I might see something I wouldn't have seen otherwise. Behind me.

    Okay I'm creeping myself out. Best of luck in the Coffin Hop, but I may be too afraid to do this one!

    1. Can I tell you I have that same fear!! What the hell IS that!
      Well if you do it TELL ME!!
      I have to say it was creepy though...

  5. What happened? I PEED IN MY PANTS, that's what.

  6. Excellent experiment! I've done this one as well, though all I'll say is there is much more to see in a mirror than your own reflection... if you are looking at the right moment. ;)

    1. THAT seems to be exactly true! the Bloody Mary thing.

  7. Looking forward to the next experiments.

  8. Hell not! My husband is on a business trip and until his return, I'm supposed to be the mature, cold-headed mother of two. Now, thanks to this post, I won't be able to brush my teeth tonight. Or pee... Oh, well. At least I won't kill anyone with my evil breath. =)

    Will be back to read about your other experiments! Every morning, though.

    1. I know Georgina! It freaked me too!!
      The next one isn't as scary...well on the surface anyway...

  9. Sometimes tells me I wouldn't be able to do this!! My imagination is more powerful than whatever I might see in the mirror!

  10. I tried both.
    #1 My hair took off like wings, my eyes looked huge. Maybe I am an alien
    #2 Looked like a curse written in old Norwegian - like runes

    I'm waiting for your next experiment.

  11. WOW! Aspen that is spooky stuff!!
    Wish I could see the pic.

  12. I particularly like the first image at the top - with the raven holding the watch in its beak; he does look .. quizzical - and slightly irate!

    1. I love that picture!!
      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  13. I particularly like the image at the top with the raven holding the watch - his expression - quizzical - and irate! :)


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